Cynthia is a devoted yogi and eternal student of life. She fell in love with yoga at the age of 22 discovering different styles of yoga until she emerged in a 500h Kundalini Yoga Teacher Training in 2012. Ever since then she is committed to sharing what she dearly holds in her heart. She hosted the Imagine Academy Yoga Teacher Trainings in Geneva for 6 years, blessed to witness the positive transformation in others, as they blossomed into the best version of themselves. Her mission is to encourage everyone to engage in sincere self-examination toward a healthier, happier, and more meaningful life.
Cynthia's growing curiosity on the path of self-knowledge led her to continuously study and deepen her understanding. She always aims to evolve her own practice in order to remain in the flow of the ever-ongoing change in life. She is inspired by different lineages and ultimately advocates to connect to that immense wisdom we all carry inside without exception and to follow our own heart's innermost desire to fulfill its purpose.
In her classes she weaves in her findings, intuitively adapting and working with the energy of the group. Cynthia emphasizes all the aspects of yoga, combining dynamic physical practices (asana), breathing techniques (pranayama), control of more subtle forces (mudra and bandha), cleansing the body-mind (shat karma), chanting of mantras as well as the science of sound and vibration (nada yoga). Apart from kundalini yoga and the classic hatha vinyasa yoga foundation, she embraces a tantric practice and borrows approaches of yin yoga, restorative yoga, and yoga nidra. She includes many forms of meditation and relaxation techniques to balance all layers of our being. Each Kriya – sequence of postures – is dedicated to a specific subject, cosmic currents, energetic centers, inner organs, and their corresponding emotions, etc..
Cynthia held several workshops at corporate events and led classes over years in various international organizations in Geneva. She was invited to share sessions at the Geneva Yoga Festival, the Healing Heart Festival, the Swiss Kundalini Yoga Festival and the Mind Body Spirit Fair in Bangkok. She participated repeatedly in the International Yoga Day event, organized by the United Nations. Cynthia was born in Germany, has lived in California, Spain, Switzerland, and now resides in Thailand with her family, proud mother of two boys. Cynthia holds a Bachelor of Arts degree and has worked for 15 years in the media industry, first as a book publisher and later on as an audiovisual producer in the film and TV industry, until she fully dedicated her life to yoga. She fluently speaks German, French, English and Spanish and is very much looking forward to practicing with you.
KYTT 500h Kundalini Yoga Imagine Academy - European Yoga Alliance
RYT 200h Vinyasa Nico Luce - International Yoga Alliance
RYT 300h Advanced Vikasa Yoga - International Yoga Alliance
YACEP 60h Hatha Tantra Para Yoga - International Yoga Alliance
RYT 25h The Four Desires - Para Yoga - International Yoga Alliance
RYT 100h Advanced Pranayama & Meditation - Centered Yoga - International Yoga Alliance
Level 1 Gong Training - Lotus Wellness Bangkok
Inner Alchemy I & II - Mantak Chia, Tao Garden