Lately I have been reflecting about Integrity, observing myself when I feel that my intentions are not aligned with, let’s say “truth”, which is a whole conversation by itself :)
Today I find the most accurate & simplistic definition of integrity might be “a state of being undivided and whole”. To not be at odds within ourselves. Saying we’ll be there, but not show up, offering assistance & not following through, making commitments to ourselves, then letting ourselves down. They reveal a discordant nature between our intention & resulting actions. Simply put - our actions don’t match our words, or thoughts.
The thing is we may THINK we have the best intentions, but somehow life throws us curve balls to show us that we are out of integrity, requiring us to revise & make adjustments. As in any yogic posture by the way :)
Maybe our intentions are based on mechanisms that allowed us to survive as kids in a less supportive environment, beliefs that helped us to fit in society or certain relationships, giving us the illusion that we're seemingly OK. These kinds of intentions are also called Vikalpa, and if those are more powerful than the intentions that are aligned with our higher self, Sankalpa, we’re letting ourselves down.
There is a pure nature within the depths of our being called our soul, that dwells in the realm of truth & is totally undivided. This transcendental nature within us knows what is life affirming & what is life depleting. It is rooted in a sense of inner knowing & integrity, aligning our whole self toward a purpose that resonates with our true nature, Dharma 🌟